Saturday, January 9, 2016

Alpha Male "Manley" Lectures: What Is Inter-Dimensional Travel?!

In one word: "Wi-Fi." Here's why I use that: Resonant frequency is a real science. Plants, animals and humans produce resonant frequencies, and in varying degrees. When you hook-up your WiFi gateway, what are you accomplishing? Our minds, our bodies produce a resonant frequency field; a wireless gateway produces a resonant field, and your smart device grabs-on to that energy.

With inter-dimensional transit or travel, my experience is that you're essentially shifting from one WiFi network, or grab point to the next. Sure, you're still logging on to the same internet, but with a different passcode and network. Once that happens, your device's bandwidth changes, sometimes there's even a change of interface, or content.

I could be wrong, because I'm not Buddhist or New Age, but look at the science; what is it showing us, when resonant frequency, in and of itself, is manifesting thought and emotion on to the most chaotic of backdrops?! Let's face it: the Tesla science behind inter-dimensional travel, the science behind the dimensions themselves, need be investigated further!

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