Friday, July 31, 2015
Sacred Geometry: How Can It Help Us To Understand Our Beliefs, And Our Dilemma?!
For those of you who have followed my blogs on the topic of sacred geometry, you may remember that I have attempted, on several occasions, to draw an ideological connection between "spirit science" and automotive design.
For example, we talked about the Buick Grand National, but really the dialogue was not just about that car, but about about GM's G-Body fleet as a whole. As a matter of fact, when it came to the discussion of G-Bodies as relating to sacred geometry, there were a few conclusions that we derived. In other words, there were a few abstract suggestions as to why that factory chose such a shoeboxed platform, and those suggestions were fascinating ones to re-evaluate, for sure.
Here's the thing: I don't care if you're a wellness fanatic or not. The truth of the matter is that every piece of geometry you can look at or visualize serves a purpose. I know what a lot of the Charismatics and Fundamentalists are thinking right now: Sal follows Paganism, and he has adopted himself to "demonic," Pagan beliefs. That's not true either; the fact that sacred geometry helps us to synchronize, biologically, has nothing to do with the New Age Movement.
In fact, this is how the discussion of sacred geometry, the "Metatron Cube," was related to a G-Body car in the first place. Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll...and of course, a Buick Grand National. On the surface, none of these things would even have a correlation. Study a little spirit science, however, and that correlation will become more clear than ever.
Here's the thing, the topic of sacred geometry is not one that's exclusive to the Buddhist or wellness communities; it's not occultic to Westerners, and if it is, then there's a problem! The truth of the matter is that sacred geometry makes-up our physical bodies, but then the study of mandalas and the like leads to yet another study: that of audio entrainment.
In this context, "audio entrainment" refers to the practice of using binaural audio to naturally alter one's consciousness. Obviously, this is the "great secret" that the entertainment industry has known for years. But with the internet comes leakage, and so what "secret" can they harness now?
As a disabled person, I have understood the concept of audio entrainment, naturally, since I was a little kid. Actually, we had a lot more "audio entrainment" going on as kids then we do now, but we were never able to attach a science to it.
This is how Aaron Baker and CORE Centers have changed my life. Because Aaron is a motor guy like I am. In fact, if you've ever sat down and talked with Aaron, then he'll tell you that audio entrainment is not only a means to overall wellness, but it's actually necessary to a certain extent. Because when you look at any motor, it will not run right if not synchronized. Just try to run your Chevy small-block without a dyno-tune, and see what happens!
Today is July 30th of 2015, which means that today is the beginning of a new life, and a new world. The science behind resonant frequency has already verified that there is no matter as such; everything runs at its own RPM. But this is where the healthcare industry has gone wrong.
With that, I would like to reach out to the general community and share my experiences with the healthcare industry. And what that experience basically shows, is that healthcare in America, as it has stood since the beginning of ADA law, has never been geared toward challenged people who are higher-functioning. It's not anyone's fault; it's just that America has always been a nation built on superficiality. I mean, that's a given, and it doesn't take any "great mind" to comprehend.
Here's the problem: mandala meditation is a practice in which one must align the eyes and body with that mandala's centerpoint. By doing this and concentrating on the breath, you find that no matter how hard you try, you can never really align yourself with that centerpoint.
That same language can be translated to government, both on the federal and local level. Here's why: if you don't have the right support team around you, and if they're not producing the right frequencies, then your "small-block" just isn't going to run right.
Pythagoras and other Greek philosophers understood the importance of frequency in nature. Not only did they understand frequency, in terms of sound and light production, but they also understood that same theory that Nikola Tesla would discover many years later, that the earth actually functions as a giant generator, or engine.
While I do not wish to engage in the whole conversation about Schumann Resonance, I will say that healthcare, as a whole, does sort of function as that "core," where such resonance takes place. So if that resonance is a bad one, then what do you suppose will become of the patients who are caught up with it?
Some names I will mention, and many I will not. If we take a trip back to 2002, however, the name "Alma Vega" is one that you will, no doubt, remember from here on. That's because the summer of 2002 was the height of my spiritual journey.
I considered myself "born-again," but then maybe I never really understood what that meant. Alma sure did though!
Let's take a moment to look back, brothers and sisters of the clergy, to some of the non-biblical teachings pushed-forward, by Alma Vega, as "Christian doctrine."
Rock 'n roll is the "devil's music:"
I believe that this could be true, because that music is one that has incited, within myself, great desire for hallucinatory drugs and perverted sex. But let's face it: when you read Paul The Apostle's letter to the Romans or Corinthians, he makes it pretty clear that the "red meat" that he is munching on, as he writes the epistle, is no more than a useful analogy, which, in case you really are dumb, means that Paul the Apostle could have very well been drinking kale as he was writing to the Romans.
Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully is an adulterer:
That's true, actually! For many years I have pondered this single Scripture, and I'll tell ya, I'd like to fornicate with every girl I lay eyes on, but then when you look at how the porn industry has shifted toward gore and violence, you can kind of understand where Christ and the church are coming from!
The only reason that this is problematic in the case of the Nueva Vida assembly, is that Fundamentalist movements like theirs have used that concept of adultery to effeminate men. Should men respect women? Absolutely! But when you're talking about indoctrination, then that discussion starts to shift gears. At this point, it's not a Judeo-Christian debate, but an Ultra-Feminist one!
Meditation is bad because it "empties" the human mind:
Un-freaking-believable, and back in my college years, I was enough of a minion to believe this. Even recently in 2014, I was told by a Muslim extremist, who actually hangs-around our complex in Woodland Hills, that I was "demon-possessed" because I meditated.
Anyone who watches wellness gurus like Leo Gura and Elliot Hulse will tell you that the mind actually becomes increasingly chaotic by trying to silence itself. Demons? No, not exactly. Because in that context, I could say that my mom's '95 SS was a "lechuza" car, and that the only reason why that car, a B-Body sedan, would even be able to run a 14-second pass, is because the witches of Shikahogh placed a spell on it. In other words, my mother consulted the witches of Armenia, and upon completing a ritual dance, the witches placed a hex on her car. Not that this had anything to do with General Motors or Jon Moss, but the witches of the Shikahogh forest, where Kekel Kardashian supposedly sold her soul for wealth.
There will be a day when you become so Spirit-filled, that you will no longer desire your own hobbies:
Christ teaches Nicodemus, in Chapter 3 of John's gospel, that people must be born of the Spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:1-21). Amen to that, but if we make a statement like, "When you become so Spirit-filled, you'll never weave baskets again," or "you'll never look at a cute girl ever again," what we're doing is making the same mistake that Nicodemus did.
In the context of John's gospel, Christ refers to a spiritual baptism, and not necessarily a physical one. True to say that the Missionary Church is creating a wonderful symbol, either through backyard baptisms, youth conferences or whatever. BUT, that backyard baptism is only supposed to be that, a symbol.
In context, Nicodemus' language can be translated as follows, "Good Teacher, how can you tell us that a camel can enter through the eye of a needle?" Or even better, "Rabbi, how can you teach us not to look lustfully at women, when God hath made us to procreate?!" Nicodemus was the "Paris Hilton" of his own era, because the only thing he knew about the car was how to put gas in it, from a metaphorical standpoint.
You are in college to LEARN, NOT FUCK:
That's true; I actually did attend Cal State Northridge to become an automotive journalist, and eventually I did. Anyone who's ever been to a university knows that the academic experience extends far beyond the campus. Again, if you look at it from the perspective of Spirit Science, then higher Beta-Alpha waves, the ones most conducive to an alpha mindset, are needed in order to maintain overall health.
But we're trying to make "New Age" agree with Christianity, and though we know that this can never be, let's try anyway! So the New Testament warns us about the times in which we currently live, those that Scripture refer to as "the last days."
I believe it was the Apostle Paul, in his letter to Timothy, who warned of false doctrines and demonic teachings in the last days (1 Timothy 4:1-5). There's one component that we must look at, however, the part about food-and-drink, as it relates to demonic doctrine, and overall spirituality, "They will say, 'Do not get married. Do not eat some kinds of food.' " (1 Tim 4:3a)
Anyone who's ever studied Paul the Apostle knows that he likes to eat. In fact, Paul often uses meat, wine and cheese to make his point. But anyone who knows the artist formerly known as Saul can tell you: Paul often uses these as analogies.
So, admiring the beauty of the opposite gender is actually a pretty integral part of learning, and I will say that my mental health has never been complete since college, and that's because I missed-out on so much of the "college experience."
This means girls, weed...whatever! You know, all of those things that the Fundamental movement says are "from the devil!" Look, almost every single Fundamentalist preacher has been caught with their pants down; if you'd like to verify this, then try looking-up Alma Vega on Google, because last time I checked, her and the whole "Run For Your Life" congregation were on the radio, presumably on Nueva Vida.
And you don't have to stop there either! E-mail Benny Hinn, and ask him if Jesus Christ really did manifest in his studio, back in the 1980s. Um, yeah...I'm going to have a hard time believing Pastor Benny, Nueva Vida or the "Run For Your Life" church of South Los Angeles. Because if there's anything I've learned from Pentecostalism, it's that they only perform their "exorcisms" when it's the most "deep-seated," or convenient!
Within that context, you say to yourself, "Why in the world would Satan and his demons tell me, 'You shouldn't do this," or "You shouldn't do that!" After all, is it not the sole task of the demonic realm to tell people to absolutely engage in drunkenness? Is it not the sole purpose of the demonic army, to convince every young person to just go out and get some kicks?!
But see that's what's funny about Satan: with him, it's always a push and a pull. That's the way any terrorist works: seduce you with a piece of ass, just to turn it against you. Whenever you hear someone of "faith" tell you, "Do this...don't do that," ask them who they serve!
God allows Satan to attack us, when we're not on our "best" behavior:
This actually appears to be a valid statement, but before we go into the Judeo tale of Job, let us examine and consider some of the symptoms of demonic possession.
So during the Spring of 1997, my family and I had taken a cross-country trip to Florida. During Thanksgiving of '96, I broke my right leg during a camping trip, in Santa Cruz, California. That injury happened under my mom's watch, by the way, and it was an injury that led to a lot of later anxiety attacks.
On one particular day, we had stopped in Memphis, Tennessee. While eating gumbo, I had a panic attack and had to leave the restaurant. Naturally, my mom blamed my dad's heredity on that attack, about a year and a half later, our parents ended-up getting a divorce, and at one point, a family member had told me that my dad was taking anti-depressents, as a result. I can't verify that that's true, but if it was, it only happened for a short time.
The point here is that me and my dad have both suffered from anxiety. The symptoms of an anxiety attack are pretty easy to recognize. During my first semester at Cal State Northridge, I had a panic attack in a lecture hall; according to Pastor Vega and the Nueva Vida congregation, I was being "attacked by a spirit of fear."
According to Pastor Vega, who at the time had been sleeping with two different men, my "demonic attack" could have actually led to a real, medical meltdown. And as everyone knows, Job was being punished. No where is this more clear, than in Yahweh's soliloquy to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the the earth? A blameless and upright man, who fears God and shuns evil?" Pretty deep-cutting words from a "jealous and angry God!" (Job 1:8b)
But there's one chunk of data, one piece of the pie that the "Run For Your Life" congregation missed: Yahweh set standards, those that were the only ones under which Satan would be allowed to work, "Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person." (Job 1:12b)
In that piece of the Hebrew text, it's most important to look at the concept of, "person." And what is God's specific instruction to, of all people, Satan? Simply this: you can screw with a lot of stuff that belongs to this man, but you can not touch his person. True, that meditation and other activities can lead to demonic possession, but let's go back to the Apostle Paul's analogy of red meat. There, we learn that it's not a filet mignon or a tri-tip that is the cause of a congregation's fall; it's the attitude (Romans 14:2, 1 Corinthians 8:9, Romans 14:20).
Going back to the conversation between Christ and Nicodemus, it was made clear, by our Savior, that the baptism is not really a physical one, "Are you the teacher of Israel, and not know these things? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven." (John 3:10b, 13a)
So when you take the language of baptism, as prescribed by Christ in John's gospel, and translate it over to the whole school of deliverance, what you find is that demonic possession revolves around spirit, the very element of it, as much as that concept of baptism does. When going back to the subject of delivering the possessed, as we see throughout the gospels, the language there seems to imply that demons actually had to be let loose for a time, and in the case of New Testament deliverance, the act itself is meant to fulfill God's Messianic promise, not punish the people.
So when you look at Pastor Alma Vega, the Nueva Vida radio station and/or the "Run For Your Life" congregation, when you examine Bob Larson, when you examine Pastor Benny Hinn...they're all pretty dangerous teachers, no matter how much time they spent in seminary.
So what does this all have to do with sacred geometry? Let's go back to the Metatron Cube. Within the interior of the circle produced by the mandala's centerpoint, we see that that circle and the center cube can never really align geometrically. Again, take the language and translate it: Pastor Vega's teachings, like the Metatron Cube, can never really align, or add-up.
It wasn't to say that her doctrine was completely false, but then what's the difference between a big lie and a small?! So in terms of "Tesla science" and frequency, God created the earth with no more than a spoken word, and that in itself is a frequency. From the standpoint of resonant frequency, a solidified science that revolves around the emotional impact on water, what do you think happens, when a false preacher comes into a new Christian's life?
Let's expand on this a little more. If the concrete science of resonant frequency is telling us, with authority, that sound and light are connected to the realm of human emotion, then what is the job of our healthcare grid in America? Is not even the job of CNAs and in-home providers to actually care about their patients?
So if one of my CNAs came up to me and said, "Let me masturbate you, because I 'care,' " do you not know that there is something wrong with the syntax of that sentence? If you can understand the science behind resonant frequency, then can you not also recognize, auditorily, when someone is putting flowers on top of dog shit?!
If I went up to a woman in a bank or grocery store and said, with dignity, "Excuse me, madam: It would be my upmost honor, if you would please allow me to assault you this afternoon!" No matter how exquisite I try to make that sound, is there still not something jumbled within my resonant frequency?!
If California's Regional Center says, "It's your fault; you're responsible," is there not something wrong with that resonance, when the resonant frequencies that their agency is paying for are those that contradict so many life cycles, just to satisfy the bureaucracy?!
For the bureaucrats who say otherwise, throw it on the rocks and sip it; you may not think that your clientele knows about resonant frequency, but we do now!
Kind of makes you wonder: From which community will our nation's next uprising come from? Makes you wonder, don't it?!
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