Thursday, September 15, 2016

Alpha Male Manley Lectures: The Plant-Based Diet

The "hero's journey" is one that proves to be interesting, because you end up finding much more than what you bargained for.

Here's how I think it starts for a lot of people, and here's where it started for me: "I want to lose weight, look younger," whichever. The journey starts that way. You want to lose a little weight, feel a little better, look a little younger.

There is, of course, also that sense of responsibility: Blood pressure can't run high, Vitamin deficiency can be dangerous, a chance of heart disease...there are just so many things that can go wrong if/when you don't eat right.

But here's what some of us realize, and some still don't understand about following a plant-based diet. It's not merely about weight loss, thinning your blood, being able to hit the gym without passing-out...whatever!

What actually starts to happen is that you feel an interconnectedness with your surroundings. There is a oneness that you feel, with your environment, and this is because you're eating plant-based foods. The more you listen to Ralph Smart, for example, the more you learn about the correlation between raw foods and the Third Eye.

One must remember, that because those foods are based on the natural world, they contain massive doses of vitamins/enzymes that your body is not used to. It goes into a nutrient shock, because now you're eating "stuff" that actually comes from the earth; it's not synthetic, like processed foods.

A few things you'll notice: when you switch to a plant-based diet, the body's response is more or less the same as it's response to meditation. For example, you now see, more clearly, the "electricity" that flows from natural landscapes, like grass and clouds.

On a plant-based diet, you'll find it easier to synchronize with the sound of water. Ever notice how the sound of water changes, the longer that you listen to it? That very sense of interconnectedness not only becomes apparent, but becomes strengthened with a plant-based diet.

It's simple enough: eat fruits and vegetables. But of course you can get sophisticated with the wheatgrass, spirulina and the like. Because at that level of nutrition, that's where you start to see auras, entities and so on.

If you look hard enough, you can see faces/entities within the fabric of a green drink, or smoothie that you may blend for breakfast. I believe that this is why I began seeing entities, once going organic, and I believe that binaural beats can facilitate this as well.

Stare hard enough into the trees, even into plants and bushes. Listen long enough to the rushing waters. What one finds is that a natural aura is present in each of these, and it's your third eye, your interconnectedness to the natural world, that allows the over-amping of these senses to happen. Your sense of style and romance seem to heighten as well.

In his June, 2015 article on the "fallacies" of organic dieting in relation to cancer, along with other terminal diseases, David Gorski talks about the fad of organic foods, stating that Hippocrates and his contemporaries, in ancient Greece, deciphered between "food" and "medicine."

According to Gorski's article, food was a substance that could be changed/converted by the body, especially in the muscles and nerves. In ancient Greece, this is what would have differentiated it from medicine, for Hippocrates and others. Within that same school of thought, "medicine" was thought to be that which could change certain parts of the body itself, where food was simply metabolized by them.

The misconception of food and disease, according to Gorski, stems from a cryptic saying, "In food excellent medication, in food bad medication, bad and good relatively." This saying is now attributed to the Hellenistic Period of Greece, between 323 and 31 B. C., but it does reflect the Hippocratic notion of the "humors," and how that imbalance was believed to ultimately lead to terminal illnesses.

Also, German-American researcher Max Gerson, born in October of 1881, had begun to develop a plant-based diet for cancer, during the first part of the last century. Starting in 1927, he began developing a diet based on raw fruits and vegetables, both for cancer and tuberculosis. The problem with the Gerson diet was that it required at least 20 pounds per day of fresh produce, and this was needed both for making juices and preparing meals.

Along with a massive consumption of fruits and vegetables, Gerson's diet also required a regimen of vitamin B12, along with supplements like thyroid hormones and potassium compounds. The Gerson regimen also consisted of coffee enemas, usually at a rate of 5 per day. In 1928, one of his patients, who reportedly had bile duct cancer, asked Gerson for his recipe. Six months later, Gerson claimed that the patient's cancer was cured, along with two other cases that followed.

But when Gerson took his experimentation to New York City's Gotham Hospital, during the 1940s, the American Medical Association became suspicious. They denounced Gerson's findings, especially when Gerson himself had refused to send the AMA his raw data, upon the Association's request.

That's where treating a lot of things, with food, seems to get tricky. It's like saying, "Ever since I started juicing, the fluid pressures in my eyes have gone down." "Ever since I started eating broccoli, my sex drive has been overactive." While I do continue to believe that organic foods are also healing ones, it is true that there are other factors in the way. That's why Gerson's research was denounced by the AMA, because there were too many variables not being properly tested.

Yes, broccoli can make your libido strong, but then there may be other variables in the mix, such as one's overall, emotional state for any given time, environmental factors like sight and sound...different variables for different situations.

But here's what I'm getting to: following a natural diet does make you feel better overall, and by feeling better overall, your body functions better overall. In 2006, I was diagnosed with glaucoma. In 2014, I started making juices with my NutriBullett. While it didn't cure anything, my eyes/body started to feel better, which often seemed to translate to lower, intraocular pressures at the eye doctor's office. But again, other questions must be asked: Did I drink any coffee that morning, or anything else that could have raised my overall blood pressure? Was I stressed on the morning/afternoon of my visit?!

So whether or not you follow the Hippocratic thought behind the raw food diet, it's still true that one must find the answer through experimentation. In order to find out whether or not a binaural beat will help you to meditate, you have to listen to it for yourself; in order to know whether or not organic foods are beneficial, then you have to follow that diet for yourself.

But I go back to the discussion of interconnectedness. You hear the winds and rushing waters like you never have before. You see the plants and trees as you never have before. Many wellness speakers say that this is because the pineal gland of the brain is decalcified, or activated by an organic diet. And again, no textbook, not even Hippocrates will be able to convince you; you have to dive into your fruits and vegetables, and allow them to build a "3rd Eye atmosphere" within your blood stream.

As you start to do this, I challenge you to go out into nature and feel this interconnectedness, the one that I keep describing. When you see little faces, entities in the rocks...when you are able to see entities in the trees, hear audible speech in the babbling waters...that's how you can prove Hippocrates to be true, and his notion, "Let food be thy medicine," must really be a solidified science.

The very statement is never actually found in the philosopher's, Hippocratic Corpus. But it's a hero's journey that must be taken first-hand anyway. When you eat natural, your body, your very chemistry starts to feel more natural, and you start to realize that because your body is made of fibers, it needs fiber to survive.

Just because something is "old" doesn't mean that it's proven. But if it's been said and for long enough, then there has to be a reason why it was said in the first place!

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