Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Alpha Male Manley Lectures: Why The Mind Is More Important Than The Body

My late friend, Luke Smith was an Orange County native. But that's not where we met. Ironically, it was near the beaches of Los Angeles, during the late 1990s...and one of our first bouts was over a pancake-eating contest.

Skip ahead to 2011, I was obsessed with finding healthier alternatives to traditional meals. One of these was pizza, and if you've ever spent enough time online, then you already know that there is an alternative recipe, and for nearly any dish one can think of.

'Lo and behold, there was one culinary website that contained the recipe for a diabetic-friendly pizza. The way that worked, was that the crust was to be made from Philo dough, pepperoni slices from turkey, and then, of course, goat cheese or mascarpone instead of parmesan.

Now, about Luke...he made killer guacamole at his pad. This cat would take his avocado, make a sour cream base...beat that guac up into a batter that was unbelievable, and I mean, Gordon Ramsay could not have made guacamole like Luke Smith.

But then there's a problem: fatty and processed foods were the bulk of Luke's diet. Frozen burritos, tortilla chips with that wonderful guacamole...Luke ate the foods we all wished we could get away with!

Funny thing: after I offered Luke a challenge, he accepted, and that challenge was to throw-together a pizza that could be diabetic-friendly, but still taste awesome. Would you believe it?! Me and a friend bring over the Philo, the turkey sausage...everything. Between the unleavened dough and the turkey pepperoni, this cat had no idea that he was eating something that tasted like "stoner" food, but one that would actually comply with the inner atmosphere of his body, or anyone else's.

For myself, I have never been diabetic, and yet that pizza recipe from the web has become one of my favorites. That same summer, I translated the Philo pizza recipe to my grandmother, who had also struggled with health concerns. Honestly...none of these people would have known that they were eating something good for them, unless they had actually sat down to read the recipe.

What does this tell me?! That the mind of a man/woman is really far more important than their bodies. The mind, the brain is what controls a lot of things that happen in your life. I'd never, in 32 years, practiced Transcendental meditation. And yet, once Aaron Baker introduced me, in 2014, to binaural beats...that whole process made sense.

Believe me when I tell you, and I wish that I could tell Luke, that your mind can astral project, lucid dream...really, just take your whole body into an alternate universe, but you have to set your mind on that very purpose, and then enjoy the process of getting there. But again, looking for those pizza recipes, online, was the true enjoyment of preparing the meal. Learning something new, but for so long, it seemed like me and Luke were just trying to go straight for the "meal."

If there was anything that could've made my friend's life better, possibly even saved it, then it would've been that very knowledge. It's the knowledge that going slow is necessary to be fast, but you have to go more "slow" than "fast." You have to give a hell of a lot more than receive. I don't care what your spiritual beliefs are; this is common sense!

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