Friday, May 20, 2016

Alpha Male Manley Lectures: What Our Moms Teach Us About Women

When listening to what my mom has to say, I've found that it's important to not only look into her eyes, but to connect with them. And then that whole idea proves itself true, in literally one second, once that eye contact is lost.

Here's why: data collection. As a performance car buff, you learn all about it, but you never think of it in terms of a human relationship, or at least I never did. But the last time that I ever looked, with intention, into mom's eyes while she gave an explanation, I was able to instantly feel what Dr. Sheldon Cooper would call, her "snort of derision."

It wasn't a literal snort, because we just don't do that in our family. But my eyes shifted to the left...and hers slightly to the right. But if you can visualize the way that a supercharged HEMI whines, in a Hellcat Challenger, then you already have an idea. The eyes shift, and instantly, there is a gasp of air, just audible enough to say, "I hope you're paying attention!"

And I was, but you also have to understand--and mom, I love you if you are reading this--that Italian women are like Italian sports cars; when they break down, you just know it! And what I can say, as a Sicilian man, is that I know when the women in my life are breaking down.

In my mom's case, I can hear it in the backdrop. Both of my parents remind me of race cars, because when they run, they do. But when stuff falls apart, you hear it.

By looking into any woman's eyes, you do what a flywheel does between a motor and a transmission: you establish a connection. That connection can't ever slip, or the vehicle won't run. In my mom's case, I've found that I have to drink-in every part of what she's saying.

Lately, I find that by feeling more comfortable with eye contact, I'm able to read the landscape around me better. My mom, in her dialogue, teaches me how. That's something that, I feel, is important in both professional and personal relationships, and I feel like I still have a ways to go!

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