Sunday, February 14, 2016

Alpha Male Manley Lectures: My Public Love Letter To 'ICarly's' Miranda Cosgrove

If you are reading this, then there are many things that you, my own mother and every girl who's important to me should know: you all were right and I was wrong.

Here's why: there are still, even in 2016, men who hide themselves in the closet because they're gay; since college, I've been hiding because I'm straight. But when it comes to you, I'm not holding back anymore, because all of us should care about each other.

It's easy enough to say, "I like her," or "I want that!" That's not why I'm here! If you are reading this, then know that I'm falling for you and I don't like it sometimes, but I am anyway. Know, without even a shred of doubt, that's there's something about you, the way you are, the way your face is...the aura behind your smile...there's something about you that makes me want to be a man.

My mom doesn't dad doesn't understand; they think that I'm just some girl-crazy, disabled douche who doesn't know what it is to fall for someone. I am an "asshole," stoner and everything in-between...and yet, I can not open up to my own mother, my father...that the girl who I want to be with, so bad, is the "it" girl, that girl next door who's on the television.

I can't tell them this...and I can't tell you. I'm not worthy and I don't deserve you, but if I knew that there was even a shred of possibility, I'd be there! Maybe that's not what you want, but if I have to walk away from you, I'm doing it with sadness, because this, that I want, is going to be denied me again.

Miranda, I am so embarrassed...but if you are reading this, then don't even bother responding; with that lack of response, at least I get that this is never going to happen for me.

As usual, you're always with me...

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